Julie Witts: Melanoma Survivor
Ten years ago, I found a mole that got me concerned on my right shoulder. I had it removed in December and it came back the following year as a lump in my neck. I was told it was stage 3 melanoma, I had a ten-hour operation to remove the melanoma and they also took out 12 lymph nodes. 3 others were infected, so I went to the Royal Marsden hospital for a trial drug and regular treatment and managed to survive it. But, a recent CT scan showed a 5mm nodal on my lung and by the second scan, it had grown to 6mm. I’m waiting to have a biopsy done on it after the next scan. Last week I had another suspicious mole removed from my right arm, and I have also found another lump in my right hand which I now have to get checked out by my doctor. I just hope it will be good news this time. Thanks for reading this if it can help in any way.